IVIPRO-Italian Videogame Program
@ IVIPRO-Italian Videogame Program
Sixth edition winner
IVIPRO is a cultural association whose members are experts in communication and new media with experience in the videogame industry.
The association members, whose education is mainly based on humanities, develop contacts with industry institutions or professionals and keep up to date daily with the trends of the videogame industry, also through research activities.
IVIPRO believes in the role of information and promotion of the territory that videogames may play in a national and international context.
The Italian Videogame Program is a project aimed at promoting the creation of videogames set in Italy, combining Italian culture with the national territory mapping through videogames.
IVIPRO identifies the most suitable locations, classifies places, monuments, tales and characters through extensive research and mediation between institutions and Italian and foreign companies.
Several regions have been already involved in a project that includes also museums and cultural places.
Via Provinciale Sud 33, Castello d’Argile (BO)
+39 3488117908