
cover of Acme21

Seventh edition winner 

Acme21 is a Faenza startup born from the marriage between love for bees and technology. All team members share the same passion: there is a bee farmer, an IT technician, several experts in video, design and communications. The main focus is to create products useful for everyone, to improve quality of life keeping sustainability in mind. The BEEing project was born to protect and safeguard bees, building tools that simplify the daily work of professional and urban bee farmers.


Beeing led to the making of B-hive, a designer hive made in Italy, that simplify honey extraction procedures, making it easier for everyone to extract honey in an urban setting without directly touching the bees, thus reducing the need for protections like mask and gloves. The city hive makes it possible for the bees to live in a safe place, suitable for the urban environment and devoid of chemical pollution that plagues intensive agriculture. The team also supports and follows clients throughout the whole process and provides custom-tailored services for companies and individuals including training, providing swarms, technical support and honey analyses to gauge environmental data.


+39 3337504961

