Bo Film

@ Bo Film
cover of Bo Film

Third edition winner 

Bo film is a creative enterprise that produces and broadcasts documentaries to raise awareness of issues mostly concerning social and current affairs.

Bo film works alongside writers and directors during the development and production stages of audio-visual products. It also distributes them on the international market, sometimes with the support of national and international distributors and sales agents.

The company increased its market presence through collaborations and co-productions with foreign companies, with the support of several international funding bodies and through the cultural acclaim that resulted from their successes at various festivals.
After having been broadcast by cultural channels, films produced by Bo Film have been purchased by both Italian and foreign television channels (Sky ARTE HD, RAI, Press TV). This has allowed for a large diverse and international audience.


The black sheep (Antonio Martino, 2016, 72’)
Ausman fought in the Libyan revolution, despite being a pacifist, convinced that he was fighting for freedom and democracy. Nothing went as he expected: violence and religious extremism are ever spreading and now he feels like stranger in his own country.
What will be his final wor(l)d?

Un paese di Calabria (A village in Calabria, Shu Aiello – Catherine Catella, 2016, 91’)
A utopia emerges from a Calabrian town emptied by waves of emigration. Riace decides to welcome the migrants landing on Italian shores; abandoned houses are inhabited once again and the town comes back to life.

L’equilibrio del cucchiaino (Spoon balancing, Adriano Sforzi, 2015, 62’)
The story of the greatest, unluckiest and happiest juggler of all time – Alberto “Bertino” Sforzi. Seventy years of his life spent tossing his dreams up in the air: some have come true, others have been interrupted and one is still hanging in the balance.


Via Nazario Sauro 22 – Bologna

+39 051 270669

