Incredibol! is a network of partners who have made themselves available free of charge to the cultural and creative sectors in the region of Bologna. The partnership is in continual evolution and takes into account the needs and requirements of the sector itself.
As of 2016, several “senior winners” have got involved, dedicating their specific expertise to projects selected in recent rounds of the Incredibol! call.
The partners involved in the initiative thus far are:
Incredibol! is coordinated by the Municipality of Bologna – Department of Economic Development and City Promotion – and co-funded by the Regione Emilia Romagna.

PerMicro is one of the leading microcredit organisations in Italy operating throughout the entire domestic territory to achieve social inclusion.

Progetti d'Impresa - Città metropolitana di Bologna
Progetti d'impresa (Company projects) is the service of the Metropolitan town of Bologna for information, accompaniment and support for companys' ideas.

Romagna Tech
Romagna Tech S.C.p.A. is a non-profit consortium company, owned by organisations, public bodies, associations and banking foundations.

Studio Capizzi
Studio Capizzi specialises in Low-interest financing and Start-ups. Its objective is to professionally assist aspiring entrepreneurs, start-ups and existing businesses in their creation and development processes, thus generating value both as a starting point and as a final objective.

Studio CS Dottori Commercialisti
Studio Circosta – Silvagni is an accountants and auditors of account practice founded in 1998 by Mr. Sandro Vincenzo Circosta and Ms. Maria Carolina Silvagni. In 2017 it was turned into a Licensed Professionals Partnership called Studio CS Dottori Commercialisti.

Studio legale Pellegrino
Pellegrino Law Firm provides legal advice on Civil Law and Intellectual Property Rights (trademarks, patents, designs, know-how, copyright, etc.).

Bologna University
The Alma Mater Studiorum, the oldest university in the Western world, paves the way for innovation through teaching and research always in the forefront.