Progetti d'Impresa - Città metropolitana di Bologna
@ Palazzo Malvezzi dè Medici
Progetti d'impresa (Company projects) is the service of the Metropolitan town of Bologna for information, accompaniment and support for companys' ideas.
The aim is to encourage and promote the creation and development of viable new activities in the Metropolitan territory. The service aims at providing aspiring entrepreneurs with specific advice on everything needed to start a business, guiding them and supporting them in the development, checking and strengthening of business projects, by providing information and instruments for reflection. The type of instrument varies according to the stage of development of the entrepreneurial idea and complexity of the project. The service was born in 1989 and is now organised from a head office in Bologna and a network of 8 branch offices located across the whole Metropolitan territory. In 2016 in the context of the Incredibol Call, Company projects established the "Antonio Barresi" special recognition to reward meritorious startups in the sectors of tourism and material culture.
ACTIVITIES The services Company projects can deliver for free to its users are:
- accompaniment in the development of the entrepreneurial idea and the feasibility study by means of personalized advices for the implementation of the idea and the preparation of a business plan;
- information on the bureaucratic procedures required to open a company and the administrative and legal aspects connected with the startup;
- assistance in the identification of bodies, structures and competent services to follow specific startup operations;
- in-depth examinations of economic and legal issues related to the various areas of activity;
- information on the opportunities for new companies, on the incentive regulations (flat-rate and facilitated systems of taxation and the existing national, regional and local funds.
- information on specific training opportunities.
Partner since 2010
Sede Centrale –Bologna
Via Benedetto XIV 3 – Bologna
Tel. +39 051 6598505
Sportello Unione Appennino Bolognese
c/o Sportello Unico Attività Produttive
Via Berlinguer 301, Vergato - Bologna
Tel. + 39 051 911056
Sportello Unione Reno Galliera
c/o Sportello Unico Attività Produttive Via Fariselli 4, San Giorgio di Piano - Bologna
Tel. + 39 051 8904720
Sportello Unione dei Comuni Savena - Idice
c/o Sportello Unico Attività Produttive Viale Risorgimento 1, Pianoro - Bologna
Tel. + 39 051 6527736
Sportello Area Persicetana c/o Futura Soc. Cons.r.l. Via Bologna 96/e, San Giovanni in Persiceto - Bologna
Tel. +39 051 6811411
Sportello Unione Terre di Pianura
c/o Sportello Unico Attività Produttive via San Donato 199, Granarolo dell'Emilia - Bologna
Tel. + 39 051 6004345
Sportello Area imolese
c/o Circondario di Imola
Via Boccaccio 27, Imola - Bologna
Sportello Casalecchio di Reno
c/o Sportello Unico Attività Produttive
Via dei Mille 9, Casalecchio di Reno
Bologna Sportello Valle del Samoggia
c/o Sportello Unico Attività Produttive
Piazza Berozzi 3, Valsamoggia Bologna
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