Fare Lavoro
@ Fare Lavoro
Association made up of a group of entrepreneurs, consultants, freelance professionals and artisans working together to support the development of human self in all its expressions, supporting the right to training, the right to appreciation of professional skills and the right to work.
The association helps young people find work both as self-employed individuals andas part of microenterprises and cooperatives, supporting them through their first years. It provides consultancy, tutoring, mentoring and support to young people, facilitating their access to credit.
Fare Lavoro’s initiative is aimed at young people who, after having worked as employees or not having found work, have a strong motivation to start their own business or microenterprise but lack the funds or basic knowledge to do so. As regards funding, an agreement is in place between the association and EmilBanca for under 35s resident in the Bologna territory, who can access a fund for ordinary and extraordinary expenses for professional, commercial or entrepreneurial needs. Funds are granted as microcredits and have either a variable or fixed subsidised rate, as Fare Lavoro acts as guarantor using its own funds. Tutoring is provided free of charge thanks to the professionals and entrepreneurs who are members of the association.
Partner since 2013
via Girolamo Giacobbi 5 - Bologna
+39 3383321805
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