DOC Servizi
@ Doc Servizi
Doc Servizi è la cooperativa di professionisti dello spettacolo più grande d’Italia, con oltre 6.000 soci. La cooperativa è stata fondata nel 1990 a Verona, per valorizzare collettivamente il lavoro dei professionisti nel campo della musica, dell'arte e del teatro.
Doc Servizi is the largest cooperative of professional show operators in Italy, with over 6,000 members. The cooperative was founded in Verona in 1990 to enhance collectively the work of professional operators in the field of music, art and the theatre. Doc Servizi combines continuity of labour relationship with respect for artistic individuality, a feature that has attracted, over the years, all the figures revolving around the world of show business, as well as other professionals accustomed to work with high levels of autonomy. Today, Doc Servizi is part of Rete Doc, a group consisting of six other companies that combine to cover all sectors of the cultural, creative and technological industries.
Doc Servizi offers show business professionals the opportunity to join a community where they can find answers to all the needs of their work, operate legally and safely and have their value recognized. The sharing of opportunities and aspirations for the future with other members of the cooperative means that each professional can acquire new skills and increase their competitiveness on the market. Concretely, Doc provides show business workers with professional services for the management and promotion of their creative and technical work, maintaining a just balance between technology, innovation, security and efficiency, with the constant aim of enhancing the human contribution, fundamental to art and culture. The combined work of the members of the cooperative enables them to provide public and private clients with high level services in the artistic and technical field, making available all-inclusive packages for the organization – logistical where necessary – of events, trade fairs, congresses, concerts and exhibitions of all kinds.
Partner since 2021
Via San Lorenzo 20 - Bologna +39 393 4182378 Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin
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