Music Academy
@ Music Academy
The MPDA (Music Production and Dance Academy Aps) team includes qualified teachers and professional operators in didactics and academic planning.
In close collaboration with the authorized institutions, the scuola di musica [School of Music] applies all the most recent European procedures in terms of quality control, feedback to students, internal and external checks using impartial independent staff and compliant with the indications of the European Qualification Framework and the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. Professional ethics, passion and constant attention to quality are the benchmarks inspiring all the staff. MPDA’s closest collaborators, moreover, are experts in show business, press and communications officers, advertising graphics designers, web experts, photographers, record producers and much more. All at the service of initiatives aimed at providing associates with a unique and complete experience.
MPDA has been operating since 1999 with the registered trademark Music Academy® in musical and stage training, enrolling around 500 students per year. Music Academy, an Ente di Formazione [training institute] accredited by the Region of Emilia Romagna is also the Italian seat of the University of Bedfordshire; its teachers and structures have always been a national reference point for higher artistic training. Since June 2021, with the birth of the Creative Hub Bologna, Centro Polifunzionale della filiera Cultura e Creatività in Emilia Romagna [Polyfunctional Centre for the Culture and Creativity Supply Chain in Emilia Romagna], MPDA has aimed to offer new resources for the benefit of research and innovation in the sector. It has encouraged the birth and development of new enterprises and the internationalization of these same, imparting highly qualified skills and generating professional opportunities for start-ups and creatives. The Creative Hub is also a physical network for co-working (for start-ups and creatives) and co-playing (the same concept for musicians and technicians), and a territorial infrastructure linked to a widely disseminated international network. Contained within the structure are the CSA (Centro Sviluppo Artisti [Artists’ Development Centre]), an incubator for young creatives wishing to express their art and extend their knowledge in communicative, legislative and marketing areas, and Radio Music Academy, the Group’s "Educate and Entertain" media.
Via del Tappezziere 4, Bologna
Tel: 0516313706
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