Legacoop Bologna
@ Legacoop Bologna
Legacoop Bologna is an association encompassing cooperatives, businesses and institutions that are part of the Lega Nazionale delle Cooperative e Mutue.
It is the provincial branch of Legacoop Emilia-Romagna. Legacoop Bologna provides numerous services to its associates, such as assistance concerning tax and employment regulations. Through its associates, it provides training, corporate consultancy, personnel recruitment, temporary work and tax consultancy. Legacoop was a partner of Libra, a business incubator of the Bologna Municipality and over the years has gained specific experience in mapping market opportunities and in the formation of innovative requirements.
The main activities of Legacoop Bologna are:
- representing its associates and safeguarding their interests, protecting its cooperative identity and promoting its value system.
- Cooperative promotion, intended as support for the birth of new cooperatives and assistance to its associates through a qualified network of services.
- Monitoring, through periodical inspections of its associates as prescribed by law to verify the effective mutual nature of the institution.
For years, Legacoop has been developing promotional activities in cultural, social, new media and creativity fields. It actively took part in the implementation of numerous European projects for non-standard cultural employment, for the promotion of new gender businesses and for the construction of national and European cultural production networks.
Partner since 2010
Viale Aldo Moro 16 – Bologna
Tel. + 39 051 509.828; + 39 051 509.808
info@legacoop.bologna.it | legacoopbologna@registerpec.it
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