Fondazione Flaminia

Flaminia is a non-profit foundation established in 1989 by public and private bodies to provide a coordinated support for the decentralisation of the Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (University of Bologna) - to Ravenna and in Romagna.
Ever since its creation, it has supported research as a means to accelerate the innovation and development processes for businesses and the territory.
The members are local political and economic representatives - trade associations, credit institutions, public bodies, businesses and entrepreneurs, all of whom believe in universities as a means to cultural richness and economic development.
Fondazione Flaminia provides direct support for the educational and research activities of university courses in Ravenna, it organises conventions and cultural events, finances the use of new technologies in university halls and labs, manages Masters, training courses, summer and winter schools and supports the cultural and aggregation initiatives of student associations. It is also committed to promoting the right to education by supporting the creation of suitable services and facilities to improve the quality of life of Ravenna university students. The Foundation acts as a springboard for youth empowerment by helping graduates and researchers to find a job, thanks to its guidance services and support with grants for internships both in Italy and abroad. It also takes part in European projects in partnership with local academic organisations and associations. In 2015, Flaminia became a Centre for Innovation recognised by the Emilia Romagna Region as a promoter of innovation and technological transfer processes for businesses.
Partner since 2016
via Baccarini 27 - Ravenna
+39 0544 34345
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